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st: jackknife and myprogram

From   "Jose Sanchez Z." <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: jackknife and myprogram
Date   Thu, 19 Nov 2009 12:42:11 -0500

Dear Statalist,

I am trying to join jackknife with myprogram  but this error appears:

. jackknife nloss=r(sum), nodots saving(mgloss_t , replace): genloss pi_t corr_t
insufficient observations to compute jackknife standard errors
no results will be saved
i think the problem is that "myprogram" do not allow the
if qualifier, and I don't know how to include the if qualifier in myprogram.

I hope you can help me..... 


program genloss
		version 1
		args pd cor
		*pd , cor, are variables
		local sis=invnormal(uniform())
		gen id=invnormal(uniform())
		gen aleat=`sis'*(`cor')^2 + id*(1-`cor')^2
		gen d=0
		replace d=1 if aleat <invnormal(`pd')
		gen loss=d*edi_dol*pdi_avanzado
		qui: summ loss, det
		drop id aleat d loss

jackknife nloss=r(sum), nodots saving(mgloss_t , replace): genloss pi_t corr_t


José Carlos Sánchez Zapata
Risk Methodological Service 
Banco de Crédito BCP- Peru


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