Dear Statalist:
Is there a way, perhaps via a mixed-factor chi-square or loglinear model or HLM, to analyze grouped count data such as the following (N = 400; 200 cases in each treatment condition; treatment condition is between Ss and pre-post is within Ss; I don't have individual-level data, just grouped count data like you see below; DV = # of cases observed engaging in a behavior at pre and post):
Pretest Posttest
Treatment 1 150 80
Treatment 2 150 100
I need to determine whether the change in # of cases from pre to post differs depending on treatment condition. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks ...
2009-2010 Past Chair
Research Methods Division, Academy of Management
Charles A. Pierce, Ph.D.
Professor of HR Management
Coordinator, Ph.D. Program
Department of Management
Fogelman College of Business
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152-3120
Voice: (901) 678-3159
Email: [email protected]
Founding Member, U of Memphis Center for Organizational Research and Effectiveness (UMCORE)
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