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st: RE: Documentation manual changes

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Documentation manual changes
Date   Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:45:32 -0000

I don't think you can do that via the Data Editor. If you want that
echoed in the log, you need to type it, or write and then run a program
that generates that code. 

[email protected] 

Kaulisch, Marc

A different question of mine is if there is a different way to document
changes made manual by the data editor as the standard behaviour (in my
version 10 of Stata).
When I change something in the data I get the output:
. replace BN8_1 = 24 in 5
. replace epp = 1 in 5
These changes are made for a certain case. So if the sorting of cases
changes (e.g. more cases with ids lower than existing ids) I cannot
reproduce the changes for a certain case.
Instead I would love to get the changes documented (directly by Stata)
. replace BN8_1 = 24 if id == 1 & episode == 5
. replace epp = 1 if id == 1 & episode == 5


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