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Re: st: two-way table: how to supress total?

From   Clive Nicholas <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: two-way table: how to supress total?
Date   Fri, 13 Nov 2009 18:54:35 +0000

Yun Liu wrote:

> Yes, "tabout" was written by Ian Watson. No, stating this wasn't
> beyond my wit, but the rule about stating it was beyond my knowledge
> when I submited the question. I am sorry if this caused you any
> trouble. I will keep it in mind in the future.

Sorry, but this is _not_ "beyond your knowledge", as the FAQ makes
this topic quite clear in section 3.3.

Read it at:

Bottom line: familiarise yourself with the Statalist FAQ before
posting. That's not beyond your wit, either.

Clive Nicholas

[Please DO NOT mail me personally here, but at
<[email protected]>. Please respond to contributions I make in
a list thread here. Thanks!]

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