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st: estout - translating a dollar sign for use in a latex file (Stata 10)

From   Devra Golbe <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: estout - translating a dollar sign for use in a latex file (Stata 10)
Date   Thu, 12 Nov 2009 15:47:50 -0500

The following code using Ben Jann's wonderful -estout- (SJ) produces a summary statistics table in latex format. The -substitute- option lets me substitute "\%" for the "%" which appears in a variable label. I have not been able to figure out what combination of compound quotes, etc. is necessary to turn a "$" into a "\$". I suspect that Stata reads the dollar sign in the -substitute- option as indicating an empty macro, but neither that suspicion nor a search of the help files or web has turned up a solution.


sysuse auto
label var price "Price ($), not (%)"
estpost summ price weight mpg
estimates store sum
estout sum, ///
title (Summary Statistics) ///
mlabels(, none) ///
cells ("mean (fmt(%9.2fc)) sd (fmt(%9.2fc )) count (fmt(%9.0f))")label ///
style(tex) ///
substitute(_ \_  $  \$  %  \% ) ///
prehead(\begin{tabular}{ll*{3}{r}}) ///
posthead("\hline") prefoot("\hline") ///

Devra Golbe
Professor of Economics
Hunter College /CUNY
695 Park Ave, NY, NY

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