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AW: st: AW: Reclaiming RAM. . .

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   AW: st: AW: Reclaiming RAM. . .
Date   Tue, 10 Nov 2009 11:57:42 +0100


" However, given the current issue at hand, I have now tested Martin's  
tip to set the memory to 100M after the session has finished. It then  
gives back the claimed RAM and I am again down to an approximately 32  
percent RAM usage."

These issues are not coming up as much as they used to when I joined the
list one and a half years ago, and are disappearing because of rapid
increases in memory and the appearance of 64 bit OSes, but still: -set mem-
grabs the memory and reserves it for Stata, whether you use it or not, so
there is no point in maximizing it and thinking that will help you in any
way. Everything you reserve here, Stata will not have available for its


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Joachim
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. November 2009 11:30
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: st: AW: Reclaiming RAM. . .

I will read the article since I am not fond of Vista's memory  
allocation method and wish to learn more how to work with it. Indeed,  
I am limited to run my analysis on weekly data since using daily data  
requires a too big memory allocation to Stata under Vista's 32-bit  
system. (I guess I will migrate sooner rather than later to a Linux  
64-bit system, hoping for a smoother, more versatile, operating system.)

However, given the current issue at hand, I have now tested Martin's  
tip to set the memory to 100M after the session has finished. It then  
gives back the claimed RAM and I am again down to an approximately 32  
percent RAM usage.

This is much appreciated since I now again have a snappy Stata without  
having to restart it after each bout.


Quoting Neil Shephard <[email protected]>:

> BTW - a simple example of how this would be useful is if I was using
> The GIMP ( under Linux and then closed it down
> when I'd finished, its still actually sitting in RAM, and if I start
> it up again it will come back from RAM instead of having to be loaded
> into memory again.
> Apologies for the poor grammar in the previous message.
> Neil
> --
> "The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does
> not ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body
> of data." ~ John Tukey (1986), "Sunset salvo". The American
> Statistician 40(1).
> Email - [email protected]
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Joachim Landström

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