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st: "append" option using outreg2

From   Christopher Hajzler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: "append" option using outreg2
Date   Tue, 10 Nov 2009 17:30:48 +1300

Hello.  I have started using the module 'outreg2' for the first time
-- all of my old code had been written to be compatible with the
original outreg routine, and now that I am trying to run this code on
my new computer and outreg is no longer available, I'm forced to go
back through each of the do files and make adjustments in order to get
the same output using outreg2 (unfortunately the associated commands
for several identical functions have been changed -- I'm not sure why
-- making this a bit of a chore).

For instance, in my old code, I had run several regressions for
various groups and was able to add the results of each to a single
file using

outreg var1 using "C:\DATA\output.txt", bfmt(e) coe se 10pct append

I now have

outreg2 var1 using "C:\DATA\output.txt", bfmt(e) stats(coef se) 10pct append

but the output file only contains the results for a single regression.
 I assume it is the append option that is no longer working with
outreg2, but browsing over the associated help file I can't seem to
find any alternate command that serves this purpose.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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