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Re: st: slight typo in the manual for -moptimize-: initial values set for the

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: slight typo in the manual for -moptimize-: initial values set for the
Date   Mon, 09 Nov 2009 09:29:09 -0600

Laszlo Sandor <[email protected]> points out an inconsistency in the
documentation for -moptimize()-:

> I was surprised to find that -moptimize- does not allow initial values
> for the intercepts, at least according to my understanding the manual.
> After some experimenting and bugfixing, it is now obvious to me that
> it does, only the manual seems to be inconsistent in its notation for
> "ki" for  equation i.
> Here is a link to the ambiguous passage:

Laszlo is correct.  The description for -moptimize_init_eq_coefs()- should be

    moptimize_init_eq_coefs(M, i, b0) sets the initial values of the
	coefficients for the ith parameter to be b0: 1 x (ki+ci).  The default
	is (0, 0, ..., 0).

Here 'ci' is 1 if equation 'i' contains an intercept, and 0 otherwise.

We will fix the online help in a future ado-file update.

[email protected]
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