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st: AW: Constructing a variable: sum of a var over all j's (if j does not equal i)

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: AW: Constructing a variable: sum of a var over all j's (if j does not equal i)
Date   Fri, 6 Nov 2009 14:20:14 +0100


This is based on Nick`s FAQ mentioned earlier, all errors are of course my
own. Check carefully whether it coincides with your intentions:

set obs 100
gen city=_n
gen numcardealers=1+int(10*runiform())
//expand to (random) # of cars 
expand 1+int(30*runiform())
bys city: gen car=_n


//for the # of cars
bys city: egen numofcars=count(car)
egen totalnumofcars=count(car)
gen inothercity=totalnumofcars-numofcars

//for the # of car dealers
//need tag as all cells within panels
//contain the # already
egen mytag=tag(city)
egen overallcardealers=total(numcardealers*mytag)
gen cardinothercity=overallcardealers-numcardealers
gen rhs=(inothercity/totalnumofcars)*cardinothercity

su rhs, det


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Sven P. Jost
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. November 2009 10:04
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: Constructing a variable: sum of a var over all j's (if j does
not equal i)

Hello everybody,

I am currently experiencing a problem with the construction of a variable.

Please consider the following: There are multiple cars in a city i.
Further consider that the number of cars in city i depends on a
weighted measure as given on the right hand side below (whereas i does
not equal j)):

Cars in city i = ... + SUM of [ (Cars in city j / Cars in all cities)
x car dealers in city j ] over all j's.

Please note that there is a variable car_loc indicating that a car is
registered in a specific city.

We are now interested in constructed the variable on the right hand
side which, as far as I can tell, consists of three parts : (i) the
sum of all cars in cities j (ii) the sum of cars in all cities (iii)
and the sum of gas stations in cities j.

Thank you for all your help in advance.


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