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st: RE: Suppress col total in tab2, tabout?
Mark Kaulisch wrote:
"With -tab2way- I can generate a table without the col total but the
frequency and percentage are not in different columns. Is there an option to
change this I do not see?"
No there is not. -tab2way- uses the official Stata command -tabdisp-, the
cell(...) option of which stacks the values of its arguments vertically.
cell() has no options for changing its behaviour. I suppose one could
pre-process the arguments of cell() into a single (concatenated) string to
give "n x%" which would then display in a single line in a cell, but I have
no plans to do that.
Martin Weiss followed up:
"... I do not see the -nototal- thing in there....."
There is no -nototal- option for -tab2way-. You only gets totals if you
specify them.
Martin also suggested a look at -estpost tabulate- which will certainly
deliver much more flexibility than the rather primitive -tab2way- (which was
really an afterthought to -tab3way- a program that did, at least when it was
written, add some useful and simple-to-specify functionality to Stata's
table command.)
This thread is the latest in the long history of users expressing their
desire for more customised tabular output than is currently possible with
Stata. As I suppose would be the case at every Stata users group meeting,
the "wishes and grumbles" session at today's 3rd Australian and New Zealand
Stata Users' Group conference in Sydney raised the issue with Alan Riley and
Bobby Gutierrez. The gist of the response was "we are interested and we are
looking at it, but there are substantial challenges".
Philip Ryan
University of Adelaide
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Kaulisch, Marc
Sent: Thursday, 5 November 2009 8:29 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Suppress col total in tab2, tabout?
I would like to know if there anre any opportunities to suppress the col
totals in a two-way tab?
I would like to have a table such as:
rowvar colvar
1 2 3
n % n % n %
If I do a tab rowvar colvar I do get the col total. At least with h tab2 I
do not see an option to suppress the col total. Is that correct?
With -tabout- I have the option to suppress the row total per panel
(ptotal(none)) but not the col total. Or am I misreading something?
With -tab2way- I can generate a table without the col total but the
frequency and percentage are not in different columns. Is there an option to
change this I do not see?
At best I would love to see the nototal-function of -tab2way- in -tabout- in
order to design a table as best as possible before exporting to a Word
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