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st: RE: RSS feed for Statlist

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RSS feed for Statlist
Date   Thu, 5 Nov 2009 12:24:03 -0000

In addition to, and partly summarising, other pertinent replies: 

1. There _are_ RSS feeds of Statalist. Over the years various such feeds
have come and gone, often breaking down days or months after they were
set up, and seemingly being abandoned by their founders or owners. As
FAQ maintainer I came to the conclusion that whatever people do with
Statalist downstream of the list is their responsibility, so I didn't
feel obliged to try to document it. There is nothing but good will
behind that, however. It is good to learn that at least two seem to be
still working. 

2. These things seem partly a matter of taste and partly a matter of
habit. I've got used to the StataCorp and Harvard archives, which don't
take identical forms. For some purposes, the StataCorp archive is a
little more convenient and vice versa. RSS feeds organise the archive in
rather different, but not radically different, ways. So, I'm puzzled by
Tunga's comments. Both StataCorp and Harvard archives have
subject/thread indexes, so what's the complaint about? (I wish too that
people wouldn't ask questions that don't interest me, but that's tough
on us all.) 

3. These threads often morph to queries about a web forum. As I
understand it, there are no plans to start a web forum. Feel free to set
one up. 

4. I'd like to expand on a comment made by Phil Schumm. If the
subject/thread indexes are difficult to use, then the fault mostly lies
with posters who often 

(a) use dopey titles (such as "Question", a recent example)
(b) reply to messages on different subjects 
(c) don't edit previous emails 
(d) don't close threads. 

Still, as I should emphasise, at its best Statalist is quick, clear,
correct and free, so that's all good. 

[email protected] 

Tunga Kantarci

I have came across a RSS feed idea for Statlist: Apparently it is abandoned in
2006. I
am wondering if it is possible to read Statlist messages in a "news
or a "RSS feed reader" such as Windows Live Mail. As some of you might
familiar, a newsgroup layout makes it much easier to view the messages
because sub-messages are grouped under the main-message, making it
easier to
view the content. I avoid using my e-mail client because in that case my
mail box gets too crowded with messages I am not interested, tough I
get a daily digest. Using the to read statlist messages is not
that convenient I kust say. You need to put some effort to find your
in the cloud of other messages. To be brief, is there any prospective
for a RSS feed or a newsgroup format?   

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