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Re: st: pasting from excel into Stata 11

From   [email protected] (James Hassell, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: pasting from excel into Stata 11
Date   Mon, 02 Nov 2009 13:31:11 -0600

AL Feiveson <[email protected]> asked about pasting data
from an Excel spreadsheet and Stata improperly handling the first
row containing variable names.  The last executable update contains
a fix that addresses a similar issue.  Al should type -update query-
and verify that his Stata is up to date, and if necessary, apply any 
available updates.

If that does not resolve the problem, I recommend that Al write to 
Stata Technical Support <[email protected]> and attach a spreadsheet
which exhibits the problem, so that we can track it down.

-- James
[email protected]

> I often get data in the form of Excel (MS Office 2007) spreadsheets. 
> In the past I could usually paste such data directly into the Stata>
> Editor with the first row as variable names and depending on the first
> row after that, variables would be designated as string or real, 
> usually correctly. Now with Stata 11, for some excel sheets 
> (I don't know why), I do not get the message asking about whether
> the first row is names or data. Instead all variables are treated
> as strings even if they are all numbers (even those having the 
> "Number" format in Excel). It appears as though Stata is treating the
> first row as data even though they are names. There also seems to be 
> something about blank columns in the spreadsheet that causes this
> behavior. Is there some setting in Stata 11 which will change this
> behavior. It is most annoying.

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