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st: RE: questions

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: questions
Date   Mon, 2 Nov 2009 12:55:28 -0000

On #2, note that the manuals are bundled with Stata 11. If you are using
some previous version, you should indicate what it is. 

[email protected] 

Tunga Kantarci

1. The regression output presents ANOVA analysis. Take for example, the
column for the residuals, which is the mean of the sum of squared
I would like to calculate a quantity using the "nlcom" command and in
command I would like to indicate the estimated MS residual. What is the
command for calling the MS residual in, for example the nlcom command?
more simply, we call for example a coefficient estimate of a variable
"_b[variablename]". What I am asking is how do I call a figure from the
ANOVA table? For example the MS of residuals? I could just use the
figure for MS residuals but this is not what I want. 

2. Suppose that I wish to calculate the standard error of
_b[_cons]/_b[variablename]. Stata help system indicates that Stata uses
"delta" method to calculate this standard error. But I wish to see what
Stata exactly calculates. How do I see it? Or do I need the Stata manual
books for this? Stata help system does not indicate any formula it uses.

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