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Re: st: esttab, stata 11, and gmm
Try e.g.:
version 11
clear all
prog eqn2coef, eclass
version 9.2
syntax [, Edit(string) to(string) ]
tempname b V
mat `b'=e(b)
mat `V'=e(V)
loc cmd `e(cmd)'
loc N `e(N)'
tempvar touse
g byte `touse'=e(sample)
forv i=1/`=colsof(`b')' {
mata: chColNames("`b'",`i')
loc r `"`r' `"main:`r1'"'"'
loc r: subinstr loc r `"`edit'"' `"`to'"',all
mat colnames `b' = `r'
mat rownames `V' = `r'
mat colnames `V' = `r'
eret post `b' `V', e(`touse') obs(`N')
eret local cmd `"`cmd'"'
void chColNames(string scalar b, real scalar i)
st_local("r1", r[i,1])
st_local("r2", r[i,2])
use http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/i/ivp_bwt.dta, clear
g lnbw=ln(bw)
loc x "parity white male"
loc z "edfwhite edmwhite incwhite cigtax88"
qui ivreg2 lnbw `x' (cigspreg=`z')
est sto ivreg2
qui ivpois bw `x', endog(cigspreg) exog(`z')
est sto ivpois
qui gmm (bw-exp({x:cigspreg `x'} + {_cons})), instruments(`x' `z')
eqn2coef, e(x_)
est sto gmm
esttab *, nogaps eq(1) mti
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Pierre Azoulay<[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalisters,
> I am wondering if any of you came across this problem.
> I am estimating a treatment effect model. There is really one variable
> of interest. let's call it "treat".
> I am estimating a bunch of model using Poisson models, and a final,
> preferred one using gmm. The coefficient in the gmm equation for treat
> is /b1. I am trying to use esttab to creat a table of results with
> just one variable, treat. But I am having a hard time combining the
> poisson and GMM results into one table.
> esttab *, keep(treat) varwidth(25) nonumber noobs nogaps nodep label
> b(%5.3f) se(%5.3f) star(† 0.10 * 0.05 ** 0.01) compress sfmt(%10.3fc
> %10.0fc) eqlabels(none) mlabels("X-Sec" "ATE" "ATT" "DD" "SDD")
> The last table corresponds to the GMM model, but the last cell is
> blank when I do this.
> Any idea on how to do this?
> Pierre
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