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Re: st: 3-Level nlogit

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: 3-Level nlogit
Date   Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:35:33 -0400

Maarten is correct in his related posting - now that you've
described the problem, I see that you mean something else by
nesting than I first thought.

It looks like -nlogit- will handle nesting of more than 2 levels,
but I've never used it so I'm not the one to ask. Good luck.


Brendon Gerding wrote:
Hi Jeph,

Thanks for your reply, I read the documentation and it seems like
that's what I'm needing. I'm fairly new to Stata though and this is
the first project I am working on, would you mind giving a brief
explanation as to how I would use the xtmelogit command? I've tried to
figure it out but am not sure that what I'm doing is right...

I need to regress employment status of individuals on various factors,
and I suspect that there will be different factors working at
different levels within the employment statuses. The breakdown of
employment status is:

Population: -> Not Economically Active
                -> Economically Active  -> Unemployed
                                                   -> Employed
And then employed may be split further into Formally Employed and
Informally Employed.

Please could you briefly explain how I could set up this regression
using the xtmelogit. The first draft of my honors dissertation is due
in two weeks, and I am desperately needing these results!

Thanks for your time,
Brendon Gerding

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Jeph Herrin<[email protected]> wrote:
Look at -xtmelogit- documentation.


Brendon Gerding wrote:

I am needing to perform a 3-level nested logistic regression. So far
all the commands and examples I have seen only involve 2 levels.
Please could anyone offer advice on how to set up the 3-level nlogit,
or perhaps where I could look for examples of this kind of thing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,
Brendon Gerding
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