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st: RE: RE: levpet

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: levpet
Date   Sun, 26 Jul 2009 15:51:36 +0100

Martin means you to follow the thread started by this posting. 

A more direct answer: Your problem is nothing to do with -levpet-, a user-written program from the Stata Journal. Your executable and ados are not in sync given incomplete updating. 

[email protected] 

Martin Weiss

Priya Nagaraj
I am trying to run levpet on my data. This is what I wrote
tsset firm year 
set tr on
levpet lnsales, free (lnlabor) proxy (lnfuel) capital (lnk_stock) revenue
i(firm) t(year) reps(50) level(95)
This is the error I get with some part of the trace preceeding it.
    - capture assert int(`timevar')==`timevar'
            = capture assert int(year)==year
            - if _rc {
              di in red "time variable must contain only integer values"
              exit 451
            - sort `panel' `timevar'
            = sort firm year
            - if "`panel'" != "" {
            = if "firm" != "" {
            - local bypfx "by `panel': "
            = local bypfx "by firm: "
            - }
            - if `"`format'"' != "" {
            = if `"%9.0g"' != "" {
            - format `timevar' `format'
            = format year %9.0g
            - }
            - tempname scdelta
            - mata: _TS_p_delta("`scdelta'", "`delta'", "`timevar'")
            = mata: _TS_p_delta("__00001R", "(__00001Q)", "year")
   _TS_p_delta_getnumb():  3499  strtoreal() not found
 _TS_p_delta_increment():     -  function returned error
           _TS_p_delta():     -  function returned error
                 <istmt>:     -  function returned error
---------------- end tsset ---
------------------ end xtset ---
          else {

 Can somebody help me with this. I am not very conversant with Stata. I am
using Stata 10.

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