Martin and Nick,
It's taken me a few days to get back to this and thanks for your help. This
is the syntax that worked best, given the number and mix of string and
numeric variables I have in the dataset.
gen mathdate=date(mtdate, "DMY")
format mathdate %tdMonth_DD,_YY
gen engdate=date(etdate, "DMY")
format engdate %tdMonth_DD,_YY
gen date = min(mathdate, engdate)
bysort newid (date) : ///
replace mscore = mscore[_n-1] if missing(mscore)
by newid: replace mmeascd = mmeascd[_n-1] if missing(mmeascd)
by newid: replace mmeascd = mmeascd[_n-1] if missing(mmeascd)
by newid: replace pflagm = pflagm[_n-1] if missing(pflagm)
by newid: replace escore = escore[_n-1] if missing(escore)
by newid: replace emeascd = emeascd[_n-1] if missing(emeascd)
by newid: replace pflage = pflage[_n-1] if missing(pflage)
by newid: keep if _n == _N
Meryle Weinstein, Ph.D.
Assistant Director
Institute for Education & Social Policy
New York University
82 Washington Square East, 7th floor
New York, NY 10003
(212) 998-5817
(212) 995-4564 (fax)
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