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RE: st: STATA and NHIS weight variables

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: STATA and NHIS weight variables
Date   Mon, 20 Jul 2009 18:40:54 +0100

If Michael is using Stata 8, he should say so. 

[email protected] 

Joao Ricardo F. Lima

Steven said...

"if you look up the -svyset- command, you will discover there is no
"psu()" option" and this is true with Stata 9 or 10 not with 8. It
depends of the Stata version that Michael is using... With Stata 8,
the svyset command really is:

version 8: svyset [pweight = pesopes2], psu(psu) strata(strat)

2009/7/20  <[email protected]>:

> Welcome to Stata!  If you look up the -svyset- command, you will
> discover there is no "psu()" option.  The help will show you the
> correct command.   Are you sure that all the 98,000 odd people with
> "wtfa" weights defined are adults?   The _merge variable produced by
> Stata's -merge- command will tell you source file for each merged
> observation.  (I recommend -mmerge- ("ssc install mmerge"), an
> enhanced version of -merge-. )  In any case, you will need a very good
> reason to ignore the advice in the documentation.

> On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Michael
> Drazer<[email protected]> wrote:

>> I am new to STATA and am doing some work with a dataset that I created by
>> merging together the 2005 sample adult, person, and sample adult cancer NHIS
>> datasets. I'm trying to construct an appropriate survey design statement,
>> but am not sure how to properly define the pweights for my dataset.
>> According to the Sample Adult variable layout, the wtfa_sa weight should be
>> used for most sample adult analyses - I noticed, however, that the Sample
>> Adult dataset also has values for the wtfa weight. All of the 98,649
>> observations in my merged dataset have wtfa weights, but only those 31,428
>> observations in the sample adult/sample adult cancer datasets contain
>> wtfa_sa weights. My question is: to properly weigh this data, should I use a
>> standard survey design statement, such as:
>> svyset [pweight=wtfa],strata(stratum)psu(psu)
>> even though it does not take into account the wtfa_sa weights, or is there a
>> better way to weigh this data?
>> For additional info re: variable layouts in the NHIS data, see here (the
>> Variable layout PDFs are informative in terms of a description of the wtfa
>> and wtfa_sa variables - see the person layout for wtfa and either the sample
>> adult or sample adult cancer layout for the wtfa_sa variable):

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