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st: Customizing the -s2mono- scheme in Stata 9.2?

From   "Hiroshi Maeda" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Customizing the -s2mono- scheme in Stata 9.2?
Date   Sat, 18 Jul 2009 10:13:04 -0500

Dear Stata users,

I am wondering if it is possible to edit/customize the default settings of
the -s2mono- scheme that comes with Stata 9.2.

Here is the information of my OS and Stata:
1) I use Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (64-bit)
2) I use Stata 9.2 (64-bit)
3) Both Windows and Stata are up-to-date

Here is the problem I am dealing with:
When I draw graphs, I always use the -s2mono- scheme. I like how the light
gray background makes the graph visually appealing. Due apparently to the
way Windows Vista handles colors (that is, gray scales in my particular
problem), the light gray background and grid lines of a graph drawn in
-s2mono-, when printed, are too faint to be visible on paper. (This
problem did not happen when I used my old Windows XP PC, which had
recently died of old age.)

Here is what I am seeking your advice for:
Let me demonstrate what I would like to accomplish by example (see [G] p.10).

sysuse uslifeexp, clear;
set scheme s2mono;
graph twoway (line le_wm year) (line le_bm year);

I like the look of the graph the above commands produce but don't like how
Windows Vista renders and prints it--the light gray background and grid
lines are almost (but not entirely) invisible.

But if I try something like this,

sysuse uslifeexp, clear;
set scheme s2mono;
graph twoway (line le_wm year) (line le_bm year),
ylabel(30 40 50 60 70 80, grid glcol(gs14));

the resultant graph, when printed, shows the light gray background and
grid lines, and I like how the graph looks like.

Here is my question:

Is there any way to edit/customize -s2mono- itself so that it incorporates
my gray scale preference (gs14) for the background and grid lines? I would
then like to name the thus edited -s2mono- something like
-s2mono_modified- and -set scheme s2mono_modified, perm-. (I know I could
specify gray scale options each time I draw a graph, but I have drawn
hundreds of graphs and will draw even more in the future. So, that
solution is not practical.)

Thank you.


Hiroshi Maeda
University of Illinois at Chicago

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