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st: RE: graph schemes disappeared

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: graph schemes disappeared
Date   Thu, 16 Jul 2009 17:17:14 +0100

This sounds like a situation in which you should be talking directly to
StataCorp tech support, who will want much more information. 

Although I cannot explain what is happening, it seems to me most
unlikely that installing one package from SSC is the explanation for
your predicament. That in itself should be totally safe, as at most
various text files have been added to your extras. There are no
consequences for official Stata's files. 

[email protected] 

Joseph Wagner

I'm using Stata v8.2 and installed -pcorrmat- the other day and then
wanted to run a graph but I got the following error message:

. scatter var1 var2
(note:  named style p1 not found in class seriesstyle, default
attributes used
(note:  named style circle not found in class markerstyle, default
attributes used
(note:  named style p1 not found in class markerstyle, default
attributes used

and my resulting graph was blank (no points discernible)

I tried using the pull-down menu as well (changing to various
markerstyles) but got the same result. Then I tried to change the scheme
and noticed there were no options available in the pull down menu. 
Attempting -set scheme- to each scheme gave the same result except for
economist (so I know there should be points on the graph).

I tried re-installing Stata, my schemes are here now but if I update the
executable (ado won't update, it just times out even if I set the time
to maximum), the schemes are gone again. 

What have I done wrong and how do update but keep the schemes so I can
graph (with schemes other than economist)?

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