Rather, this sounds to me like a case for the -by()- option.
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
Sounds much more like a -graph bar-:
sysuse auto, clear
graph bar (mean) price, ///
over(foreign, label(nolabel)) ///
mukta mukherjee
Could anybody tell me how to plot multiple histogram in the same
graph? I have 10 industry and would like to make histogram for the
variable say wages for each industry , but plot it column wise for
each industry.
I was trying the following code but without success.
capture program drop _hist_
program define _hist_
su indusid if(indusid>=50) ,meanonly
forvalue a=`r(min)'/`r(max)'{
histogram(`1') if (indusid==`a') ,title ("Histogram for `1' and
graph save "$m`1'`a'",replace
global m "H:\Labor1\Fringe benefit tax\stata\All Industry"
*set trace on
_hist_ wages
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