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Re: st: Read HTML file with Stata
My previous message had some issues with line wrapping, so here is the
code again:
local sf "`pwd'"
**get some text / information from any webpage**
copy http://www.stata.com/support/updates/stata9.html "`sf'test.txt",
**alternate** !curl -o "`sf'test.txt" http://www.stata.com/support/updates/stata9.html
--anyauth --ignore-content-length
**clean it up a bit by filtering out the HTML tags I don't need**
tokenize <tr> </tr> <b> </b> <i> </i> <td> </td> </a> </th>
while "`1'" != "" {
filefilter "`sf'test.txt" "`sf'testnew.txt", /*
*/ from("`1'") to("") replace
filefilter "`sf'testnew.txt" "`sf'test.txt", /*
*/ from("\Q") to("%") replace
mac shift
Assuming your data is very structured/consistent,
you could just -keep- the variables
that contain your target information (so,
here you could keep rows 194/217 )
If you want to find certain fields or data
indicated by some tag, use these steps
**import the information**
intext using "`sf'test.txt", gen(html) length(90)
save "`sf'test.dta", replace
Assuming your data is very structured/consistent,
you could just -keep- the variables
that contain your target information...so,
here you could keep rows 194/217
if you want to find certain fields or data indiated after some tag:
For the stata9 webpage,
we could use # as the indicator
for the row/column headings
and we could use "<a href=" as an
indicator of the cell values
findval "#", substr gen(flag_headings)
findval "<a href=", substr gen(flag_cells)
drop if flag_headings==0 & flag_cells==0
keep html1
**Finally, split the vals, create -substr- to clean up
gen colheadings = strpos(html1, "#CFCFCF;%>")
gen rowheadings = strpos(html1, "#EFEFEF;%>")
gen cells_win = strpos(html1, "/win/%>")
gen cells_mac = strpos(html1, "/mac/%>")
drop if colheadings==0 & rowheadings==0 & /*
*/ cells_win==0 & cells_mac==0
foreach v in colheadings rowheadings cells_win cells_mac {
gen str20 `v'2 = ""
replace colheadings2 = substr(html1, colheadings+10,.) /*
*/ if colheadings>0
replace rowheadings2 = substr(html1, rowheadings+10,.) /*
*/ if rowheadings>0
replace cells_win2 = substr(html1, cells_win+7,.) /*
*/ if cells_win>0
replace cells_mac2 = substr(html1, cells_mac+7,.) /*
*/ if cells_mac>0
**drop colheadings rowheadings cells_win /*
*/ cells_mac html1
list, noobs sep(1) div
save "`sf'test.dta", replace
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754
On Jul 13, 2009, at 11:26 PM, Eric A. Booth wrote:
Hello Friedrich:
It might help if we get a bit more detail on what your HTML file
looks like (e.g., is it a webpage with embedded tables of some sort;
does it just contain data that is delimited or broken into sections
with tags; etc.)--I think it would be difficult to create a add-on
or program that simply converts any HTML file to .XLS.
It's probably not the most elegant solution, but I was automating
the extraction of some text from a table embedded in a webpage by
using -filefilter- and some string functions to get rid of the HTML
tags, etc. -- leaving only the data I needed. I then used -intext-
to bring the information into Stata before cleaning it up some more.
For a rough example:
Say I wanted to extract the elements from the small table embedded
in this Stata webpage: http://www.stata.com/support/updates/stata9.html
Given that there is a lot of extra information on the page, I would
need to look at the source code of the HTML web page and get rid of
the extra information & get at the elements in that small embedded
table. (Friedrich's issue may be much simpler in that his HTML
file might only be formatted data with a couple of HTML tags/strings
at the top & bottom of the file that can be filtered out using -
Here's how I might extract the elements from this Stata web page
table into a .dta file (I would appreciate any other users'
comments on how to make this process easier or more efficient) :
local sf "`pwd'"
**get some text / information from any webpage using !curl (in linux/
unix) or -copy- **
copy http://www.stata.com/support/updates/stata9.html
"`sf'test.txt", replace
**alternate** !curl -o --anyauth --ignore-content-length
"`sf'test.txt" http://www.stata.com/support/updates/stata9.html
**clean it up a bit by filtering out the HTML tags I don't need (you
could put all possible HTML tags in this list)**
tokenize <tr> </tr> <b> </b> <i> </i> <td> </td> </a> </th>
while "`1'" != "" {
filefilter "`sf'test.txt" "`sf'testnew.txt", from("`1'") to("")
filefilter "`sf'testnew.txt" "`sf'test.txt", from("\Q") to("%")
/*I find that it's useful to get rid of the quotes at this point */
mac shift
intext using "`sf'test.txt", gen(html) length(90)
save "`sf'test.dta", replace
Assuming your data is very structured/consistent,
at this point you could just -keep- the variables
that contain your target information (so,
here you could keep rows 194/217 )
If you want to find certain fields or data
indicated by some tag, use the steps below:
For this Stata9 web page table,
we could use # as the indicator for the row/column headings
and we could use "<a href=" as an indicator of the cell values
findval "#", substr gen(flag_headings)
findval "<a href=", substr gen(flag_cells)
drop if flag_headings==0 & flag_cells==0
keep html1
**Finally, split html1 & create a -substr- to clean up**
gen colheadings = strpos(html1, "#CFCFCF;%>")
gen rowheadings = strpos(html1, "#EFEFEF;%>")
gen cells_win = strpos(html1, "/win/%>")
gen cells_mac = strpos(html1, "/mac/%>")
drop if colheadings==0 & rowheadings==0 & cells_win==0 &
foreach v in colheadings rowheadings cells_win cells_mac {
gen str20 `v'2 = ""
replace colheadings2 = substr(html1, colheadings+10,.) if
replace rowheadings2 = substr(html1, rowheadings+10,.) if
replace cells_win2 = substr(html1, cells_win+7,.) if cells_win>0
replace cells_mac2 = substr(html1, cells_mac+7,.) if cells_mac>0
drop colheadings rowheadings cells_win cells_mac html1
list, noobs sep(1) div
save "`sf'test_final.dta", replace
This leaves me with the following table, which you could then use to
pluck out the elements you needed for values in a table or variable/
value labels elsewhere:
| colhea~2 | rowheadings2 | cells_win2 |
cells_mac2 |
| Update | |
| |
| Platform | |
| |
| | Stata executables |
| |
| | | Stata 9 for
Windows | |
| |
| | Stata 9 for Macintosh |
| | Stata ado-files |
| |
One of the many advantages of using !curl (or !url2file if you've
got Windows), in lieu of Stata's -copy-, is that you can send a pre-
filled form to the website by utilizing the "--form <name=content>"
option. So, if you are downloading all the tables generated by a
site that requests that you fill out a form or select some form
attributes before you get each file, you could send the information
that should go into those fields using !curl & automatically
download the data (assuming there is no CAPTCHA).
Again, I do too much of this type of thing, so I too would also be
interested in any suggestions or other approaches to solving
Friedrich's HTML conversion problem.
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754
On Jul 13, 2009, at 5:05 PM, Friedrich Huebler wrote:
I have a set of Excel files that I convert to Stata format with
Stat/Transfer, called from Stata with -stcmd- by Roger Newson. Some
the original files are HTML files with an XLS extension that cannot
converted by Stat/Transfer. I can open these files with Excel and
them in native Excel format but would prefer a solution that does not
involve Excel. Can anyone recommend a method to read HTML files into
Stata? There are a number of add-ons that allow export to HTML format
but I found nothing that goes the other way, from HTML to Stata.
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* http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search
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* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/