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Re: st: RE: RE: Useing e(over_labels)

From   Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: RE: Useing e(over_labels)
Date   Sat, 11 Jul 2009 13:27:09 -0400

Richard Palmer-Jones<[email protected]> :
Replace the lines
 return local r=`"`r'"'
 return local c=`"`c'"'
 return local r `"`r'"'
 return local c `"`c'"'
in matnames.ado;  I will get a revision up on SSC as well.

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Richard
Palmer-Jones<[email protected]> wrote:
> Well, it now works for me after some fiddling. Thanks.
> The original code from Austin works fine for small sets of "over"
> variables, but seems to be limited by the limitations of macros; so no
> more than 32 items and 244 characters, if I read the limitations
> correctly. Thus Austin's .ado "matnames" truncates the list of
> rownames if the equation name is long, and, or there are a lot of
> "over" combinations - which there are in my example.
> Labels are apparently not so restricted as macros, nor seemingly is
> the macro e(over_labels). This seems strange to me - ereturn macros
> having different limits to local or  global macros. Or, is there
> something I have missed (again)?
> Richard
> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 7:42 PM, Richard
> Palmer-Jones<[email protected]> wrote:
>> I am sorry about my inability to explain myself - but you seem to have
>> understood what I want!
>> Your code looks like what I am after, but I will have to see if I can
>> get it to work with the real data.
>> Thanks again, really
>> Richard
>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Austin Nichols<[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Richard Palmer-Jones<[email protected]> :
>>> "9 panels with two lines each with their CIs" means nothing to me.
>>> Do you mean you want to connect plotted means with line segments?
>>> Just explain in plain English what you want, or show code producing
>>> the graphs you want with real numbers in the example.
>>> As it is, you are imposing a huge cost on the folks you want help
>>> from, making them guess what you want.
>>> clear all
>>> ma drop _all
>>> ssc inst matnames, replace
>>> webuse nhanes2
>>> la def smsa 1 "City" 2 "Noncity SMSA" 4 "NonSMSA"
>>> la val smsa smsa
>>> la def region 2 "NW", modify
>>> egen subpop=group(smsa region), label
>>> qui ta subpop, gen(i_) label
>>> svy: mean bpsystol, over(subpop) nohe noleg
>>> mat b=e(b)'
>>> mat rownames b=`e(over_labels)'
>>> mat v = vecdiag(e(V))'
>>> mat rownames v=`e(over_labels)'
>>> qui levelsof smsa, loc(levs1)
>>> qui levelsof region, loc(levs2)
>>> forv i=1/3 {
>>> forv j=1/4 {
>>> matnames b
>>> loc w: word `=`i'*`j'' of `r(r)'
>>> loc b=el(matrix(b),rownumb(matrix(b),"`w'"),1)
>>> loc v=el(matrix(v),rownumb(matrix(v),"`w'"),1)
>>> loc p`i' "`p`i'' `=`b'-invttail(e(N_psu)-e(N_strata),.025)*sqrt(`v')' `j' "
>>> loc p`i' "`p`i'' `=`b'+invttail(e(N_psu)-e(N_strata),.025)*sqrt(`v')' `j' "
>>> loc b`i' "`b`i'' `b' `j'"
>>> loc xl`i' `"`xl`i'' `j' "`:lab (region) `:word `j' of `levs2'''""'
>>> loc ti`i':lab (smsa) `:word `i' of `levs1''
>>> }
>>> tw pci `p`i'' || scatteri `b`i'', c(l) xla(`xl`i'') ti(`ti`i'')
>>> leg(off) name(n`i')
>>> }
>>> gr combine n1 n2 n3, nocopies ycommon col(3) xsize(9)
>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Richard
>>> Palmer-Jones<[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> 9 panels with two lines each with their CIs -
>>>> One can do what I want with lowess graphs, but in the end I need
>>>> something parametric - and in the case at issue the .
>>>> For further details I would prefer to take this off Statalist - if
>>>> that is consistent with protocols. I am happy to put any further stata
>>>> discussion back into the list, but not details of my work.
>>>> Richard
>>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Austin Nichols<[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> So, you want 9 graphs with 50 "bars" each?
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Richard
>>>>> Palmer-Jones<[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>> I should add that I want graphs for depvar on xvar for each region
>>>>>> with CIs (in this hypothetical case) - and the actual design has many
>>>>>> more values of X (50 or more) and 9 or thereabouts "regions".

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