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Re: st: How to Plot: One dummy, different markers for different values, over time, by individual states
From |
Green Alexandra <[email protected]> |
To |
[email protected] |
Subject |
Re: st: How to Plot: One dummy, different markers for different values, over time, by individual states |
Date |
Fri, 10 Jul 2009 01:14:31 +0800 |
Many thanks to Nick and Maarten for your help!
The method, sorting the states with regard to the total number of
years with unusual rain, is precisely what I was hoping for and it's
working very well.
Thank you!
2009/7/9 Maarten buis <[email protected]>:
> --- On Thu, 9/7/09, Nick Cox wrote:
>> That said, it's worth pondering the syndrome that Howard
>> Wainer has repeatedly stigmatised as "Alabama first!" -- the
>> exact words in this case.
> For example your graph would probably be a lot clearer if you
> sort the states with regard to the total number of years with
> unusual rain. Below is an example that does that. To run it
> you will need to install the -egenmore- package from SSC, by
> typing in Stata -ssc install egenmore-.
> *----------------- begin example ----------------
> // create some example data
> drop _all
> input str10 state year unusualrain
> "Alabama" 1970 1
> "Alabama" 1971 -1
> "Alabama" 1972 -1
> "California" 1970 1
> "California" 1971 1
> "California" 1972 1
> "New York" 1970 -1
> "New York" 1971 1
> "New York" 1972 1
> end
> // creating a variable counting per state the total
> // number of years with unusual rain
> gen zero_one = unusualrain == 1 if unusualrain < .
> bys state : egen tot = total(zero_one)
> // create a variable for the y-asis that sorts
> // states on the total number of years with
> // unusual rain
> egen axis_state = axis(tot state), label(state)
> // create the graph
> twoway scatter axis_state year if unusualrain == 1 || ///
> scatter axis_state year if unusualrain == -1, ///
> ylab(1/3, valuelabel) ///
> legend(order( 1 "much rain" ///
> 2 "little rain" ))
> *------------------ end example --------------------
> Hope this helps,
> Maarten
> -----------------------------------------
> Maarten L. Buis
> Institut fuer Soziologie
> Universitaet Tuebingen
> Wilhelmstrasse 36
> 72074 Tuebingen
> Germany
> http://home.fsw.vu.nl/m.buis/
> -----------------------------------------
> *
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