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RE: st: How to Plot: One dummy, different markers for different values, over time, by individual states
From |
"Nick Cox" <[email protected]> |
To |
<[email protected]> |
Subject |
RE: st: How to Plot: One dummy, different markers for different values, over time, by individual states |
Date |
Thu, 9 Jul 2009 13:10:24 +0100 |
In Alexandra's case, the state variable will pre-exist, but -egen, group() label- may be needed to produce a numeric variable for the y axis.
That said, it's worth pondering the syndrome that Howard Wainer has repeatedly stigmatised as "Alabama first!" -- the exact words in this case.
[email protected]
Maarten buis
--- On Thu, 9/7/09, Green Alexandra wrote:
> I am trying to make a plot with a panel from 1970 to 2000
> with an annual rain-fall dummy for all states in the U.S.,
> the dummy = 1 if above a threshold amount; = -1 otherwise.
> Essentially, I am hoping to generate one plot/table that
> shows all the years on the on the x-axis;
> on the y-axis, it would plot the dummy for each state on
> the SAME line, but uses a different marker symbol for
> when the dummy value is 1 versus when dummy is -1.
*--------------- begin example --------------
// create some example data
drop _all
input state year unusualrain
1 1970 1
1 1971 0
1 1972 0
2 1970 1
2 1971 1
2 1972 1
3 1970 0
3 1971 0
3 1972 1
label define state 1 "foo" ///
2 "bar" ///
3 "bla"
label value state state
// create the graph
twoway scatter state year if unusualrain == 1 || ///
scatter state year if unusualrain == 0, ///
ylab(1/3, valuelabel)
*-------------- end example -------------------------
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