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st: RE: Extract elements from string variables

From   Howard Lempel <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Extract elements from string variables
Date   Wed, 8 Jul 2009 14:57:10 -0400


An illustration of your data might help.  For now, I assume that your data started out something like this, where origob is the original observation number for each group of names, newid is the new observation number, and X and Y are some other variables:

origob	names				X	Y
1		"Alex Charles Henry"	123	456
2		"Mary Liz"			789	324

And now looks something like this:

origob	newid		names				X	Y
1		1		"Alex Charles Henry"	123	456
1		2		"Alex Charles Henry"	123	456
1		3		"Alex Charles Henry"	123	456
2		1		"Mary Liz"			789	324
2		2		"Mary Liz"			789	324

And you want this:
origob	newid		names				name		X	Y
1		1		"Alex Charles Henry"	"Alex"	123	456
1		2		"Alex Charles Henry"	"Charles"	123	456
1		3		"Alex Charles Henry"	"Henry"	123	456
2		1		"Mary Liz"			"Mary"	789	324
2		2		"Mary Liz"			"Liz"		789	324

If this is right, you can go from the second stage to the third stage by doing the following:

bysort origob: gen name = word(names, _n)

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 2:37 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Extract elements from string variables

In the data set I have a string variable with the names of several people.  However, I want to look at the relationship across each individual, so I am trying to separate the names.  

What I have done: expanded the observations based on how many individuals are in each observation's string variable.  Labeled the duplicate observations 1, 2, 3, etc. 

What I need now, is a command that will take the number in my duplicates and take the corresponding individual's name with respect to its position in the string variable, separated by a comma. 

Any insight would be helpful.


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