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Re: st: data points within radius?

From   Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: data points within radius?
Date   Tue, 7 Jul 2009 09:32:35 -0400

A minor point, but--

I ignored the VA/non-VA distinction in the example, so the -label-
commands should read:

la var n1k "Number of hosp w/in 100mi"
la var mindist "Distance to nearest hosp"
la var ids "ID numbers of closest hospital(s)"

or modify the whole example like so:

clear all
tempfile p h
range pid 1 10 10
set seed 123
g p_lat=32+uniform()*10
g p_lon=-120+uniform()*40
save `p'
input id cntrl VA h_lat h_lon
0785 45 1 42.103 -80.065
0787 45 1 42.103 -80.065001
0150 45 1 39.739 -75.605
0960 45 1 37.499 -77.470
0510 45 1 39.464 -77.962
0030 45 1 27.844 -82.796
0180 45 1 46.612 -112.048
0060 45 1 43.618 -116.194
0085 33 0 41.242 -110.991
0540 45 1 34.568 -112.456
0075 33 0 40.698 -111.990
0190 33 0 40.044 -111.716
1180 45 1 46.053 -118.356
0009 33 0 33.860 -118.149
1538 33 0 34.093 -118.344
isid id
save `h'
desc using `h', sh
local nh=r(N)
use `p'
local np=_N
g long n1k=.
g double mindist=.
g ids=""
g long vn1k=.
g double vmindist=.
g vids=""
merge using `h'
forv i=1/`np' {
qui vincenty `=p_lat[`i']' `=p_lon[`i']' h_lat h_lon, hav(d)
g within1000=d<1000
su within1000, meanonly
qui replace n1k=r(sum) in `i'
su d, meanonly
qui replace mindist=r(min) in `i'
qui levelsof id if d==mindist[`i'], loc(vs)
foreach v of loc vs {
 qui replace ids="`v' "+ids in `i'
su within1000 if VA==1, meanonly
qui replace vn1k=r(sum) in `i'
su d if VA==1, meanonly
qui replace vmindist=r(min) in `i'
qui levelsof id if d==vmindist[`i'], loc(vs)
foreach v of loc vs {
 qui replace vids="`v' "+vids in `i'
drop d within1000
drop if _m==2
drop id cntrl VA h_lat h_lon _m
la var n1k "Number of hosp w/in 100mi"
la var mindist "Distance to nearest hosp"
la var ids "ID numbers of nearest hospital(s)"
la var vn1k "Number of VA hosp w/in 100mi"
la var vmindist "Distance to nearest VA hosp"
la var vids "ID numbers of nearest VA hospital(s)"
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