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Re: st: RE:Methodological issue: combining datasets from different ...

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE:Methodological issue: combining datasets from different ...
Date   Mon, 6 Jul 2009 17:20:12 -0400


Have a look at the Stata bookstore, under "Categorical and limited
dependent variables".


On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Georgiana Bostean<[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello again and I am sorry to bombard your e-mail boxes!
> Thank you, Edwin and Martin for your responses, and particularly Martin
> for your suggestion-- I will take a look at that command. I wanted to
> clarify and contextualize my question, as it appears that it was
> interpreted as me asking the list to do my work for me. That is not my
> intention at all.
> I am working on my dissertation, and have consulted textbooks, a
> statistician, and social scientists who are well-versed in methods about
> my issue and have not yet found an answer. I could well just do a logistic
> regression and not think twice about it, but as I said, my initial
> reaction is that I somehow need to account for the fact that the surveys
> are of different populations (though there are, for example, immigrants
> from the origin population in one dataset and non-migrants in the other
> dataset).
> So, I thought that someone on Statalist could point me to any literature
> or provide comments on whether I should be doing some analysis other than
> a logistic regression in this case. My understanding of Stata and of
> statistics is not as sophisticated as I am sure some of yours are. But I
> certainly am not asking that someone "do my homework."
> I did not go into too much detail about the issue in my previous e-mail
> because I didn't want to get into all of the specifics of my dissertation.
> However, to briefly elaborate, my "outcomes" are categorical, dichotomous
> and ordinal. The theoretical question is whether the migrant population at
> destination differs from the non-migrant population at origin in several
> specific outcomes, both ordinal and dichotomous. I want to compare the
> "likelihood" (used loosely) of Y occurring by X (migration status), which
> is why initially a logistic regression seems suitable. I plan to control
> for a variety of factors, including both continuous (e.g., age) and
> discrete (e.g., marital status) measures. And, ultimately, I would like it
> to be generalizable to the populations in question (the question of
> sampling design).
> So, again, thank you Martin for your guidance. And if anyone has
> suggestions about textbooks that may address such an issue, please do
> share (I have been searching Hosmer-Lemeshow's Logistic book and there is
> nothing that addresses this).
> Thank you.
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