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Re: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean & Proportions

From   Emmanuel Koku <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Creating a Non-Self Mean & Proportions
Date   Tue, 30 Jun 2009 01:24:04 -0400

Dear, Nick, thanks for attempting to resolve my question, though the
code fragment did not help.  Please, below are 20 cases, covering 3
different strata, as well as their respective values on the index
variable of interest (i.e., score),  for your examination. What I want
is the count or proportion of each value of the index variable (i.e.,
score) in each strata.

Cluster	Hhold#	Line#	Strata	score
46	7	1	1	0
122	20	4	1	0
122	6	2	1	1
46	1	1	1	2
122	11	2	1	1
122	6	1	1	0
122	16	6	2	0
46	13	1	2	1
46	12	1	2	2
122	17	1	2	0
122	8	2	2	1
46	13	3	2	1
122	5	2	2	0
46	6	3	3	1
122	16	2	3	0
122	15	1	3	2
46	4	2	3	0
46	19	3	3	1
122	4	2	3	0
46	20	4	3	2

So from this scratch data we can have the following distribution of
the 3 score values by strata:

ScoreValues        Strata1    Strata2    Strata3   Total				

0                          3              3              3           9
1                          2              3              2           7
2                          1              1              2           4

N                                                                    20

Thus, we can state that across all strata 9 individuals had a score of
0, 7 had a score of 1 and 4 had a score of 2 -- that is we aggregate
or count each of the values of the index variable (Score) across or
over all strata.  In this way I can describe the distribution of the
scores over the strata.

I hope this makes it a bit clearer.  If, not  please let me know and I
can try and provide further clarification.

rgds, Em


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> A meta-question here is why no one has replied to this since it was
> posted. An answer to that is that trying to work out what is wanted
> requires too much effort. Why not give an example of your data? Why make
> everyone try to imagine what you have?
> Anyway, my guesses are:
> 1. You have a long data structure with personal id (say -id-) and
> stratum id (say -stratum-). (One stratum, several strata.)
> 2. You have a variable (say -score-) with values 0,1,2. (What that
> variable represents, how many negative attitudes the others in the
> stratum have, it seems, is not important here.)
> 3. You want to summarize the fractions of 0, 1, 2 in each stratum.
> If these guesses are all correct, then one answer is
> bysort stratum score : gen freq = _N
> by stratum: gen total = freq / _N
> You may also want to -collapse- the data.
> If these guesses are wrong, you may need to try again with more
> information.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Emmanuel Koku
> I have created a summed scale of 2 dichotomous items coded originally
> 0 1.  The new variable now has values ranging from 0 to 2.
> Since I am using a survey that I want to create summary measures like
> non-self mean or non-self proportions that represent other members of
> the respondents strata but excluding the respondent. Eg. I would want
> to know the proportion of the respondents strata who hold no negative
> attitudes - ie 0 in the summed scale; the proportion who hold only one
> of the negative attitudes, ie, 1 in the summed scale as well as those
> members of the strata who hold both negative values or 2 in the summed
> scale.
> Through help received here and from a statafaq article, i have been
> able to create similar summary measures for dichotomous items, but i'm
> stumped with this 3-category variable, and would appreciate any
> assistance.
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