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Re: st: DHS Ghana merging question

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: DHS Ghana merging question
Date   Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:04:45 -0400


In your message of June 11 you described how you are merging the
household member data with the anthropometric data. When I reproduce
your approach the data from all household members, adults and
children, appear in the merged file.

You write now that "only information for children is kept" but without
seeing the Stata commands you used it is difficult to understand what
you are doing differently.

The household member file lists the line number of the mother and
father of each child up to 14 years of age in the variables hv112 and
hv114. You can use this line number to create variables with the
parents' age, level of education, etc. As an example, assume you want
to identify the parents' ages. First, sort the data by household ID
and household member line number.

. sort hhid hvidx

Next, generate variables with the mother's and father's age.

. by hhid: gen mage = hv105[hv112]
. by hhid: gen fage = hv105[hv114]

Two FAQs on the Stata website provide information related to your problem.

"How do I create a variable recording whether any members of a group
(or all members of a group) possess some characteristic?"

"How do I create variables summarizing for each individual properties
of the other members of a group?"


On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Tharshini
Thangavelu<[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have  a specific question concerning the Ghana DHS survery. I am trying to
> clean the dataset so to analysis using a 2SLS method and of IV method. My
> dependent variable will be the anthropometric variables controlling for socio
> economic factors, mothers education, fathers education ect.
> Basically my question is : how does paternal (fathers and mothers) education
> improve the child health in Ghana?
> I know how to merge but is still confusing! I am trying as the information given
> by DHS, that is. I merge first the anthropometric data set with the household
> member data. Then, I merge the resulting file with the individual data
> to finally merge it with the child recode data file.
> The first merging (anthropometric and household member data) only information
> for children is kept,which I think is correct.
> Ex. HV105 "the age of household member" gives information about the age of all
> the household member. When merging the anthropometric data with the household
> member data, as intuitive says HV105 excludes all age above 5 years.
> In order to answer my problem question, I need mothers' fathers' age, education
> level, their height and weight and other variables. So, What I basically want is
> to locate each child with their parents.
> Following the information for merging given by DHS, I should now merge the
> resulting file with the women file. But this doesn't give me completely the
> result that I am expecting. That is, I need womens age, height and weight. I
> know for sure that these variables exist but when merging, they are excluded.
> If someone has worked with DHS data set perhaps can give me some advise.
> I do one-to-many merging but perhaps I should use many-to-one merging but this
> doesn't seem reasonable.
> Regards
> Tharshini
> --
> Tharshini THANGAVELU
> Forskarbacken 8 / 101
> 114 16 Stockholm
> Sweden
> Phone +46 (0)735 53 43 90
> E-mail [email protected]

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