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st: Re: fpower

From   Philip Ender <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: fpower
Date   Sat, 20 Jun 2009 20:55:42 -0700

"CHIDLOW Agnieszka" <[email protected]> wrote:

Please forgive me if you find this request silly (or basic), but I
have been having some nightmares to figure out how to use ex post
"fpower" for anova.
I have read about the power analysis  (e.g. papers, and on, but it looks like I can't do the test because I
don't seem to know how to calculate delta and/or means for my groups.
Hence would really appreciate some help from you.

My anova results are:

 "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>  replied:

Seems from the explanations at that these values
are mere educated guesses, not results of calculations...


There certainly are educated guesses involved in any power analysis.
In the case of -fpower- the main educated guess is concerning the
delta().  After that -fpower- computes power based on the noncentral
F-distribution.  So there are indeed calculations going on.  The
-simpower- program generates random samples with given means and
standard deviations and computes power by counting the number of
significant results.  I usually suggest at least 1,000 iterations.

As for Agnieszka power question, I would recommend running the
following: "simpower nm year, reps(2000)"

I'm a little confused by the statement that nm is 2 groups.  Does this
mean that there is a categorical response variable?  If so, then
-anova- is the wrong tool to

Phil Ender
Statistical Consulting Group
UCLA  Academic Technology Services
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