Dear Statalisters,
Please forgive me if you find this request silly (or basic), but I have been having some nightmares to figure out how to use ex post "fpower" for anova.
I have read about the power analysis (e.g. papers, and on, but it looks like I can't do the test because I don't seem to know how to calculate delta and/or means for my groups. Hence would really appreciate some help from you.
My anova results are:
.anova nm year
Number of obs = 95 R-squared = 0.0497
Root MSE = .487822 Adj R-squared = -0.0387
Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F
Model | 1.07136314 8 .133920392 0.56 0.8055
year | 1.07136314 8 .133920392 0.56 0.8055
Residual | 20.465479 86 .237970686
Total | 21.5368421 94 .229115342
where: nm = 2 groups
year = 8 groups
Many thanks in advance,
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