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st: RE: Displaying percentages from -tabstat- results

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Displaying percentages from -tabstat- results
Date   Wed, 17 Jun 2009 22:05:10 +0100

I can't speak for -xml_tab- but otherwise this does not sound like anything supported directly with official Stata or even user-written commands. Repeating percent signs again and again is certainly programmable; however, it probably wouldn't appeal as a format to most active Stata programmers. 

I don't have a clear sense of why you want this: you give code here but no sense of what your variables are or contain. But if for example your variable is binary (0 or 1) or measured as a proportion, then multiplying by 100 beforehand would seem sufficient to get results between 0 and 100. 

[email protected] 

Marshall Garland

I'm using -xml_tab- in conjunction with -tabstatmat- to mass produce
tables for 14 separate levels (campuses). However, I can't seem to
find a way to display percentages in the resulting tables. Is there a
way to specify that the statistics be displayed as percentages
(ideally with the percentage sign) rather than proportions? I can't
seem to find that option in either -xml_tab- or -tabstatmat-.

Here is my code:
local table2 "q6_anycollege q6_5-q6_9"
levelsof schnum, local(levels)
foreach l of local levels {
tabstat `table2' if schnum==`l', by (survey_year) save nototal
tabstatmat table2`l'
matrix TAB=table2`l''
xml_tab TAB, save (`working'`l'.xml) sheet(table2) replace format((S2110) ///
(N2203)) lines(COL_NAMES 2 LAST_ROW 3) font("Times New Roman" 12)  ///
cnames ("2007" "2008" "2009") ///

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