Martin answered Michael's second question well, but my guess is that
Michael did not mean what he said. I guess he wants a mean for each
category, and extending Martin's solution to show several horizontal
lines is not especially attractive.
With -stripplot- from SSC you can combine a dot plot (sensu -dotplot-),
display of boxes and display of means -- and indeed other possibilities.
This sequence omits the experimentation needed in practice to get a good
balance of elements.
sysuse bplong, clear
set scheme s1color
egen mean = mean(bp), by(sex)
gen sex2 = sex - 0.1
stripplot bp, over(sex) vertical box(barw(0.1)) stack ///
boffset(-0.1) height(0.4) width(2) ///
addplot(scatter mean sex2, ms(D) msize(*1.5))
Michael's first question about a second axis permits various answers,
mine being that what he wants is not possible with -graph box- and not a
good idea anyway. Create a second graph to show side by side with the
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
"Additionally, I'd like to add the mean to the boxplot. Is there a way
to do so?"
sysuse bplong, clear
su bp, mean
graph box bp, over(sex) ///
yli(`r(mean)') yla(`r(mean)')
From: "Michael Sorice" <[email protected]>
> I've created a boxplot summarizing three variables over 3 groups. The
> command line looks like: graph box A1 A2 B1, over(group)
> Variables A1 & A2 are on the same scale but B1 is on a larger scale.
> Is there a way to put B1 on a 2nd y-axis? I'd like them all on one
> and readable. I can only find a 2nd y-axis option for the "twoway"
> command.
> Additionally, I'd like to add the mean to the boxplot. Is there a way
> do so?
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