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Re: st: smcl files-txt files

From   Gary Longton <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: smcl files-txt files
Date   Thu, 11 Jun 2009 13:22:53 -0700

Okay. Your initial message indicated that you had already attempted to rename the file with a .smcl extension ("I tried saving the file as .smcl") and that "this didn't work" (could not open with the viewer??) suggesting that the content might not be valid smcl.

My point was that -translate, t(smcl2txt)- command should translate your smcl, actually regardless of the extension, as long as you are starting with something that is truly smcl content. My suggestion was apparently lost in translation.

Thanks to Alan, and judging from your reply to him, it appears that -translate- worked for you, so it appears the content was valid smcl.

- Gary

Rodrigo Briceño wrote:
Gary what I mean with "saved as txt file" is that I have the file
(called brook.txt) with txt extension, but inside the log it is
possible to see that it was generated using smcl (log:

2009/6/11 Gary Longton <[email protected]>:
If this is truly a smcl log file, you should be able to use Stata's
translator (see -help translate-) to convert to a text file without the
directives (use the smcl2txt translator).

It's not clear to me what you mean by "saved as a txt file".  A SMCL file is
just an ASCII text file that includes smcl directives.  I believe a SMCL
file needs to have a .smcl extension for the viewer to read it as such, i.e.
to interpret rather than display the included directives.
If it has a .smcl extension and you are unable to open in it the viewer (eg.
with -view <filename.smcl>- from the command line ) without a resulting
display of the included directives, then I suspect you will have trouble
with the translator also.

- Gary

Rodrigo Briceño wrote:
Dear Stata Listers. Few days ago I received a log file with a set of
results from a consultant. The file was saved as a txt file, but the
contents of the file are still keeping some SMCL references. This
happened because although the file was saved as txt, it was generated
as a log in SMCL. (For example:
like {smcl}
{com}{sf}{ul off}{txt}{.-}
      log:  {res}C:\data\brooks02.smcl
 {txt}log type:  {res}smcl
 {txt}opened on:  {res}26 May 2009, 10:40:39)

The thing is that I tried to open the file in Stata 9.2 with a viewer
and all the results are mixed with this set of symbols and signs. I
tried saving the file as .smcl, but this didn't work. My question to
you is that if it is possible to get rid of the symbols or otherwise
being able to see the log in a nice format.

I don't know which version of Stata the consultant used, what I know
is that locate him is a neverending task.

Thanks for your gently response.

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