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Re: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables
Date   Thu, 21 May 2009 13:10:35 +0200


We have at least four alternatives here, and Charles can look at the result based on my random dataset and make his pick according to his wishes. If he needs a bigger sample, he can increase the # of observations in row 2. If he wants a different one, he can kill the -set seed- command...

set obs 50

local a 1
local b 8
set seed 12345

forv i=1/3{
gen A`i'=`a'+/*


list, noobs

gen B=(A1==1)*1
replace B=(A2==3)*2
replace B=(A3==8)*3

gen Balt=cond(A1 == 1, 1, /*
*/cond(A2 == 3, 2, /*
*/cond(A3 == 8, 3, 0)/*

gen Balt2=(A1==1)*1 + (A2==3)*2/*

//Eric`s recommendation
gen Balt3=1 if A1==1
replace Balt3=2 if A2==3
replace Balt3=3 if A3==8

list, noo h(25)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 12:39 PM
Subject: RE: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables

Let's spell out that there is a difference between

gen B = cond(A1 == 1, 1, cond(A2 == 3, 2, cond(A3 == 8, 3, 0)))


gen B=(A1==1)*1 + (A2==3)*2+(A3==8)*3

The order in -cond()- is crucial. Once for example observations with A1
== 1 are dealt with, they are not revisited, regardless of whether A2 ==
3 or A3 == 8 in the same observation.

[email protected]

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