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st: from value to varnames

From   Richard Goldstein <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: from value to varnames
Date   Mon, 18 May 2009 16:40:37 -0400


I have a data set with 3 variables: field, cat, order; there are 258 observations

I want the 258 observations in field to be 258 variables where the name of the value in field becomes the new variable name; I want to keep the associated values of the other two fields

For example, say that the first observation has the following values:

field		cat 	order
namea		A	1

I want a new set of variables such that I have a variable called "namea" and I still have cat (of "A") and order (of "1") -- but remember that I should now have 258 variables--cat and order can be joined as the value for each variable; thus, for the example above, the first variable (namea) would now have the value "A1"

I hope that this is sufficiently clear (note that there is no pattern in the values of field (the new varnames)


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