> Is there any way to specify the regression results to 2 decimal places?
> Charles
Nick is correct that this is not something that is provided by Stata.
You can always hack, of course. Place the following codes at the top
of your do-file. Then run regressions as you would normally, except
for -mystuff- at the beginning.
findfile _coef_table.ado
filefilter `"`r(fn)'"' regMine1.ado, from("program _coef_table") to("program regMine") replace
filefilter regMine1.ado _regMine.ado, from(" %9.0g %9.0g %8.2f %5.3f %9.0g %9.0g") to("%7.2f %7.2g %8.2f %5.2f %7.2f %7.2g") replace
cap erase regMine1.ado
prog drop _all
prog define mystuff
version 9
qui `0'
sysuse auto, clear
reg mpg price trunk weight
mystuff reg mpg price trunk weight
I did not bother getting the sum-of-square stuff back in.
It might be fun to do a full-scale hack and send it to ssc, with
appropriate thanks and apologies to Stata Corp, of course.
On the other hand, if you wanted something that looks like
regression table but in Excel format with two decimal places,
you can always use -logout-.
cap log close
logout, save(myfile) excel replace dec(2): reg mpg price trunk weight
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