Sorry, but what has looking for values more than 3/2 IQR away from the nearer quartiles to do with a Poisson process?
[email protected]
Katia Bobulova
anybody knows how to implement a Poisson process to detect outliers in Stata?
I tried to use this procedure (that I found in Stata FAQ) in order to
detect outliers:
sysuse auto, clear
sum mpg, detail
local u = r(p75) + (3/2) * (r(p75) - r(p25))
local l = r(p25) - (3/2) * (r(p75) - r(p25))
gen out = mpg<`l' | mpg>`u'
hist mpg /*histogram including outlier*/
hist mpg if !out /*histogram excluding outlier*
Is this the right procedure?
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