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Re: st: AW: Re: Class programming in stata.

From   Amadou DIALLO <>
Subject   Re: st: AW: Re: Class programming in stata.
Date   Thu, 14 May 2009 16:18:45 +0300

"I do not understand this criticism. Baum(2009)  is an introduction to "Stata
Programming", and only 2 of its chapters are devoted to -mata-. So in a way,
this publication is complimentary to the [P] manual, and provides exactly
the kind of step-by-step introduction to programming that you demand. In
combination, these two are unbeatable, IMHO."


It is not a criticism but rather a wish or a suggestion. The fact that
isp "complements" [P] illustrates what I am saying. Provided [P] were
more detailed and showed step-by-step examples, maybe this will spar
many users of buying complementary books or carrying many books in
their luggage.

Sorry if I focus too much on class programming (I understand the
issue) but my question a more general programming concern.

Best regards.


2009/5/14, Martin Weiss <>:
> <>
> " It will be very useful if in their programming manuals, at StataCorp,
> they took practical examples and developped all the codes from scratch
> to end, as did Kit Baum in his books for mata programming"
> I do not understand this criticism. Baum(2009)
>  is an introduction to "Stata
> Programming", and only 2 of its chapters are devoted to -mata-. So in a way,
> this publication is complimentary to the [P] manual, and provides exactly
> the kind of step-by-step introduction to programming that you demand. In
> combination, these two are unbeatable, IMHO.
> The economics of better coverage of the class system have been discussed
> before in this thread...
> Martin
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:
> [] Im Auftrag von Amadou DIALLO
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2009 14:39
> An:
> Betreff: st: Re: Class programming in stata.
> Message not gone through. Resending...
> ----------------
> Hi,
> Nick, Marteen, many thanks for your answers. I wish someone with extended
> knowledge on the topic (Nick, Zurab, Araar, statacorp staff, ???) could
> write some tutorials on the subject. I need it to start a new project
> and I've realized that I need to go through class programming (as in
> the case of adept or dasp).
> As I said, I get really frustrated when I tried official stata's class
> programming examples (a search through the list shows me that this
> issue has been already raised and solved).
> It will be very useful if in their programming manuals, at StataCorp,
> they took practical examples and developped all the codes from scratch
> to end, as did Kit Baum in his books for mata programming (I've
> learned better mata programming with his book than the Mata official
> manual I've bought two years ago). I know there is the issue of the
> volume size, etc., but a manual is precisely there for that, isn't it?
> When I read in many stata manuals something like :
> program
> ...
> (the rest of your code continues here)
> ...
> end
> for my part is not very useful or appealling and can get the user quickly
> discouraged. This is certainly useful for advanced programmers who
> need to go straight to what they need, but we the beginners need more
> than that.
> This is only my opinion, maybe other users do not feel that way.
> Nice weekend to you all.
> Amadou
> ---
> Amadou B. DIALLO, PHD
> Development Economist
> Director
> Center for Research and Training on Adult Education
> Mayotte, FRANCE
> +262639693250
> --
> ---
> Amadou B. DIALLO, PHD
> Development Economist
> Director, Center for Research and Training on Adult Education
> Mayotte, FRANCE
> +262639693250
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Development Economist
Director, Center for Research and Training on Adult Education
Mayotte, FRANCE

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