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st: RE: bioprobit with pweights and clustered standard errors

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: bioprobit with pweights and clustered standard errors
Date   Sun, 10 May 2009 15:28:07 +0100

This should be explained as a user-written command, downloadable from SSC. I don't know if the author is a member of Statalist, but if not you should contact the author directly. 

If I were the author I would want to see exactly what you typed (which means exactly: no verbal descriptions or paraphrases). 

This advice is all contained in the Statalist FAQ. 


Brenner, Jan

I am currently working with the bioprobit command. It works well as long as I don't use weights and/or the cluster option. Since I actually need both, it is pretty
unfortunate that whenever I use one of the two (or both) I get the following error message (after several iterations):

Mata run-time error

[M-2]   error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return code 3499
        ____ not found
        The specified variable or function could not be found.
        In the case of a function, it was not already loaded, it is not
        in the libraries, and there is no .mo file with its name.

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