Stata is telling you what is wrong. It has nothing to do with not
being able to store values. I assume since you are asking for r(mean)
after -summarize- that you are saving a scalar float with several
decimal places. However, -csi- the routine expects an integer based
on count data.
The following will probably be complete nonsense statistically but
illustrates the point:
sum stots if heart==1
local a1 = round(r(mean),0) // round to create integers
sum stots if heart==0
local b1 = round(r(mean),0)
sum stotd if heart==1
local c1 = round(r(mean),0)
sum stotd if heart==0
local d1 = round(r(mean),0)
csi `a1' `b1' `c1' `d1'
Giving csi a scalar, even if it is an integer, doesn't work. Contrast
the results of:
-csi 2 4 6 8- versus -csi 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0-
D. C. Elliott
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