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st: RE: using computed values with the immediate command

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: using computed values with the immediate command
Date   Wed, 6 May 2009 17:33:22 +0100

One way of doing this is to ensure that -csi- sees the values of the scalars, and not their names. 

csi `=a1' `=b1' `=c1' `=d1' 

does that, assuming that none of a1 etc. can be interpreted as variable names. Stata ensures that the expressions given are evaluated before their  results are passed to -csi-. 

Note this short-cut 

sum stots if heart==1
scalar a1 = r(mean)
sum stots if heart==0
scalar b1 = r(mean)
sum stotd if heart==1
scalar c1 = r(mean)
sum stotd if heart==0
csi `=a1' `=b1' `=c1' `r(mean)' 

Note, however, that I haven't checked whether there is a way of getting what you want directly from the four variables. 

[email protected] 

Michael Eisenberg

I am attempting to create a do file to calculate means of several
variables and then use these values in the csi command.

sum stots if heart==1
scalar a1 = r(mean)
sum stots if heart==0
scalar b1 = r(mean)
sum stotd if heart==1
scalar c1 = r(mean)
sum stotd if heart==0
scalar d1 = r(mean)

csi a1 b1 c1 d1

I get an error that " 'a1' found where integer expected."

I'm not sure using scalars is the right way to accomplish this task.
Is there a way to use the computed results like r(mean) is immediate

If not, can anyone think of a way to do this without having to type in
the individual numbers.

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