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st: Conditional survival analysis with cancer registry data

From   Ceilidh Stapelkamp <>
Subject   st: Conditional survival analysis with cancer registry data
Date   Tue, 5 May 2009 11:40:17 +0100

Dear Statalist

Can anyone provide some guidance on how to perform a conditional
survival analysis using STATA for patients in a cancer registry who
enter the sample on their date of diagnosis. During the 10 year follow
up, where date of death is not available we assume survival. I would
like to see how probability of survival changes for different
categories of patients (age, stage, treatment received) if they
survive 1 year after diagnosis, then 2 years after, then 3 etc.

I would be grateful for some advice on appropriate ways to do this as
I'm newish to STATA and very new to survival analyses.

Many thanks in advance

Ceilidh Stapelkamp
MPH student
King's College
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