Is there any way of
1) creating landscape rtf using esttab ??
2) Creating mutiple columns and combining them into one
supermatrix-g-, so that in the end one doesnt have to write out all
the variables in the p local ?? instead one could write esttab g ??
local p "a b c d e"
foreach g of local p {
local r "hosp age sex_en primary optype"
local t=0
foreach x of local r {
logistic `g' `x',vce(robust)
eststo e`t'
local elist `elist' e`t'
local t=`t'+1
eststo univariat`g': appendmodels `elist'
logistic mors_30 `r'
eststo multivariat`g'
esttab univariata multivariata univariatb multivariatb....multivariate
using unimulti`g'.rtf, nonumbers eform ci(2) ar2 b(a2) label title
("Time to death") mtitle replace modelwidth(6) varwidth(10)
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