I think you need to multiply the original variables first and then place an i. next to that new variable.
gen Irs1234567_1Xrs7654321=rs1234567*rs7654321
xi: logit case sex i.Irs1234567_1Xrs7654321, or
Hope this helps,
--- On Mon, 5/4/09, Qiang (Danny) Chen <qiangchen@mail.nih.gov> wrote:
> From: Qiang (Danny) Chen <qiangchen@mail.nih.gov>
> Subject: st: variable name
> To: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
> Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 11:39 AM
> Dear Stata users:
> I have a simple question here. When I use xi (Interaction
> expansion), I got the following report. I am wondering if
> there is a way to keep the original snp names. For example:
> _Irs1Xrs~1_1 ==> _Irs1234567_1Xrs7654321_1
> Thanks!
> xi: logit case sex i.rs1234567*i.rs7654321, or
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> case | Odds
> Ratio Std. Err. z
> P>|z| [95% Conf.
> Interval]
> -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------
> sex
> | .2390816 .0457164
> -7.48 0.000
> .1643547 .3477845
> _Irs123456~1
> | .2017002 .2995979
> -1.08 0.281
> .010974 3.707226
> _Irs123456~2
> | .1621226 .2412076
> -1.22 0.221
> .0087784 2.994125
> _Irs765432~1
> | .6244084 .9455679
> -0.31 0.756
> .0320966 12.14728
> _Irs765432~2
> | .2035963 .3072363
> -1.05 0.292
> .0105747 3.919879
> _Irs1Xrs~1_1
> | 2.363021 3.757366
> 0.54 0.589
> .1047126 53.32569
> _Irs1Xrs~1_2
> | 7.389233 11.69742
> 1.26 0.206
> .3319834 164.4683
> _Irs1Xrs~2_1
> | 2.471199 3.926579
> 0.57 0.569
> .1097495 55.64331
> _Irs1Xrs~2_2 |
> 6.57177 10.37793
> 1.19 0.233
> .2975032 145.1687
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Qiang (Danny) Chen, Ph.D.
> *
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