On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Jacob Wegelin <[email protected]> wrote:
> Is there a way to specify the horizontal location of the -xtitle- in
> relation to the scale of the x-axis?
You can use the -margin()- option within -xtitle()-:
sysuse auto, clear
qui summarize mpg, detail
local thisQ1=r(p25)
local thisQ3=r(p75)
local xtitlelocation= (`thisQ1'+`thisQ3')/2
di `xtitlelocation'
sort mpg
kdensity mpg , gen(dnsMPGx dnsMPGy) nograph
set scheme lean1
twoway (line dnsMPGy dnsMPGx), xlabel(none, nogrid noticks labsize(large)) ///
xmlabel(`thisQ1' `thisQ3', grid glpattern(dash) labsize(medium)) ///
plotregion(margin(zero)) ///
title("") ytitle("") ylabel(none) xtitle(Miles Per Gallon, margin(l=-43))
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