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Re: st: 3 simultaneous equations with large amount of dummies

From   Kit Baum <>
Subject   Re: st: 3 simultaneous equations with large amount of dummies
Date   Wed, 25 Mar 2009 06:09:23 -0400

Along the lines of many postings, unless you have cross-equation restrictions, there is nothing wrong with estimating each equation of this system separately using a limited-information estimator. It is a strangely common misconception that systems of linear equations must be estimated with -reg3-. -xtivreg2, fe- (findit xtivreg2) will handle the fixed effects and give you consistent estimates of each equation's parameters if the equations and instrument sets are properly specified.
The only thing a systems estimator can give you is efficiency (and a  
system with > 9000 parameters will not be a pretty sight). The  
downside of systems estimation is that one misspecification error will  
pollute estimates of all equations. For these reasons (as well as  
convenience) a single-equation estimation approach has much to  
recommend it.
Kit Baum   |   Boston College Economics & DIW Berlin   |
An Introduction to Stata Programming |
   An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata  |

On Mar 25, 2009, at 02:33 , xinzheng wrote:

(1) I am estimating a simultaneous equation system with 3 equations, but I need to include firm fixed effects in each equation. If I just use reg3 and add firm dummies, there are two many firms (>3000), it takes a very long time and sometimes I could not get the results. I was wandering what kind of other STATA command I can use.
(2) I am running a IV estimation with a firm level fixed effect, if  
I add firm dummies, there are more than 3000, which makes it  
impossible to get the results. Is there any other STATA command I  
can use?
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