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st: loop code problem

From   "Li, Ihsuan" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: loop code problem
Date   Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:00:43 -0500

Hi statalisters:

I can't figure out the correct coding to create a new variable "matchedname". My data was retrieved using propensity score matching technique and it returned _id which is unique to each firm. Each firm also has an unique cusip number. The first three firms (atna, Sealaska, and aleut) were matched to three other firms (petrox, Oregon, and ripley). I know that from the _n1 column, which lists the matched company's particular id. 

What I am trying to do is create string variable "matchedname" that lists the names of the three firms that were matched to the first three observations. 

Example of my data:

Firm		cusip	_n1	_id	matchedname
atna		100	2569	9521	
sealaska	101	4526	9823
aleut		104	325	357
petrox	10001	.	2569
oregon corp	10002	.	4526
ripley	10003	.	325

I tried the following code, and it returned the same _n1 on the matchedname column instead:

. gen matcheri=.
(6 missing values generated)

. gen matcherj=.
(6 missing values generated)

. gen matchernum=.
(6 missing values generated)

. forvalues i=1(1) 6 {
  2. forvalues j=`i'(1) 6 {
  3. replace matcheri=1 in `i' if lister[`i']== id[`j'] & lister[`i']!=. & id[`j'] !=.
  4. replace matcherj=1 in `j' if lister[`i']== id[`j'] & lister[`i']!=. & id[`j'] !=.
  5. replace matchernum=lister[`i']  if lister[`i']== id[`j'] & lister[`i']!=. & id[`j'] !=.
  6. }
  7. }

What is wrong with this code?

Thanks in advance.


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