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Re: st: three-way tables, exporting to tex
A one-step solution could be to use -by- with -eststo- and -estpost
tabstat-. Example:
webuse union
table year union south, c(freq mean grade) // the table we want to create
eststo clear
bysort south union: eststo: estpost tabstat grade, by(year) stat(count
mean) nototal
esttab, cells(count mean) gaps noobs
The table contains the right results but the header is not so
informative. To see the south/union coding you could type:
esttab, cells(count mean) gaps noobs ///
mtitles nonumbers collabels(none)
But that is still not very nice. Better would be something like:
esttab, cells(count mean) gaps noobs ///
nonumbers collabels(none) ///
mlabels("no union" union "no union" union, lhs(year)) ///
mgroups(north south, pattern(1 0 1 0))
To get the thing into LaTeX add a "using <name>.tex" and I also
suggest the -booktabs- option (requires you to include
\usepackage{booktabs} in the document preamble). Here's an advanced
example that also prints a nice header:
esttab using mytable.tex, booktabs align(r) ///
cells(count mean(fmt(2))) gaps noobs ///
nonumbers collabels(none) ///
mlabels("no union" union "no union" union, lhs(year)) ///
mgroups(north south, pattern(1 0 1 0) span ///
prefix(\multicolumn{2}{c}{) suffix(}) ///
On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Richard Ochmann <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi,
> how would you export a three-way table to a .tex document?
> I would like to produce a summary table for a continuous variable over
> three categorical variables. Cells shall contain means as well as
> frequencies.
> I found I can nicely do that with -table- (find my code below). Now I have
> a hard time exporting the resulting table to a .tex document that I can
> further edit in LaTeX.
> I tried with user-written programs like -estout- and -tabout-. While
> -tabout- brings me close, I didnt figure out how to do a three-way table
> there.
> While this problem is certainly easily worked-around producing separate
> two-way tables conditioning on the third variable and somehow combining
> them, I would be happy to have a one-step solution here.
> thanks for ideas!
> Stata 10, WinXP
> best, rich
> ***
> clear
> webuse union
> table year union south, c(freq mean grade)
> ***
> *
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